Since you’re online and most questions simply require ticking a box, the typical time is around 30 minutes. But we get lots of feedback saying that if it’s a topic you’re interested in, it’s fun to complete, so time flies!
To qualify for any competitions or prizes offered, you will generally have to complete the survey – unless a milestone response during the survey let’s you know otherwise.
At the end of all our surveys, we invite you to join the Lifestyle Surveys community and be notified when future surveys are launched that you may be interested in.
At the end of all our surveys, we invite you to join the Lifestyle Surveys community and be notified when future surveys are launched that you may be interested in.
Lifestyle Surveys is the home of a broad range of research programs carried out by WhyFive – a South African based insights company that you can read more about by clicking here. We sometimes get partners on board either as prize sponsors, or because they have a real interest in finding out what South African consumers are doing, thinking and feeling.
All winners are notified by e-mail as soon as the prize draws have taken place – and their names and prizes are published on this site under the ‘winners’ section.
Absolutely no-one. Any and all personal information, including your e-mail address, is strictly confidential. WhyFive does not and will not release it’s database of responders to any third party for any reason.
In most instances, we crunch the numbers and extract market insights that we communicate to the world in a variety of ways: press releases, editorial features, blogs, e-mailers etc. We also make the information available to the marketplace, specifically media planners and marketing strategists, to enable them to make better informed strategic decisions. In some instances, where partners have asked for specific information, we package that for their exclusive use.
The survey is specifically aimed at gathering a random sample of respondents. We spread the word through a variety of databases – so the only real answer to that questions is: anyone who is pointed to one of our surveys through a digital link – or gets onto our mailing list and has access to the internet!
The survey is specifically aimed at gathering a random sample of respondents. We spread the word through a variety of databases – so the only real answer to that questions is: anyone who is pointed to one of our surveys through a digital link – or gets onto our mailing list and has access to the internet!
Yes. Although you are asked to provide an email address at the end in order for us to contact you, that address and your answers to the survey are not linked in any way.
We publish results, insights and fascinating stories on an ongoing basis on our company website. You can go there directly by clicking here.
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